Normally - I don't put much stock in the stars. But I will admit - there are some things about my sign that ring absolutely true...almost uncanny. Actually, look up Virgo anywhere and it pretty much describes me to a freakin "T". Daily horrors though, I usually scoff. Today, however, something caught me - my horror says "Let frivolous friendships fall away while nurturing those that truly matter."
Wow. That is exactly what I have been worrying over for the past few months. Losing friends, wondering if I could or should have done anything different....but now I know. It's OK. The people who walk in and out of your life like a swinging door are just like episodes of a TV sitcom. You watch, have a few laughs, roll your eyes at the silly ending and the bad acting then move on to next week's episode. True friends are like favorite movies. You watch them over and over again, each time discovering some new snippet you missed before and still laughing and crying at all the good parts.
Let the frivolous go. Concentrate on the good stuff.
I like that.
I think I will.